Creative Prayer – Advent Journeys

We are all on journeys.  And when we get tired, God is there to give us strength and courage to keep going.  When the angel appeared to Mary, it started her on a very special journey that we are invited to remember now.

Advent Journey Colour in Labyrinth from Flame Creative Ministries

One of the themes that runs through accounts of the birth of Jesus is that of ‘journey’. Mary, Joseph, the wise men and the shepherds, all make their own journey towards Jesus and his birth.
This ‘colour-in’ reflection on the journey takes people through a labyrinth maze to the nativity star at the centre.  While they are thinking about the journeys the various characters take, children might also be able to explore their own journeys towards finding out more about Jesus.
Click here to print the page.
Talk about:
  • Why do we go on journeys?
  • What is it like to go on a journey?
  • How might these people have felt as they travelled?
  • What does it feel like to reach the end of your journey?
  • Which ‘journey’ character do you think you are?
As you trace the path, pray for people who are on a journey, far from their homes. Pray that they will get to their destination safely.  Pray that they will take heart and know the comfort of God with them.  Pray that they will trust Him.  Pray for all those who are on a journey, trying to find out about Jesus.