Steps through Lent

Click images at the bottom of the page to download the relevant pack.

Many people talk about Lent as a chore, a grey time of sacrifice and doing without, but it doesn’t need to be that way. Lent can be a time of simplicity, a time of drawing close to God, a journey of reflection.

To help us on this journey we have some footsteps you can use each week through Lent. Starting after pancake day (Shrove Tuesday) on Ash Wednesday, there will be a step available for each day – apart from Sundays.

Each day you can choose one of the following, a step of: Grace, Prayer, Giving, Love, Sacrifice or Change.

We encourage you to take as many steps as you are able to. Some of you will be able to take a step every day, and others you will just do one each week – we all walk at different paces.

You will see there is a big footprint and a small footprint. That is because we are walking together, adults and children – whoever you are doing this with – whether you are parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles or close family friends. No matter what our age we are all equal on this journey of faith and can teach, encourage and inspire each other.

Together, talk about each step and what you might do. For example with the step of Grace, you would think about something you might need to say sorry for or someone you need to forgive.

Each person then chooses to either write down or draw a picture of what they will do.

You can either plan the week’s steps in one go on Sunday so you prepare the things you will do that week, or you can do them day by day as you are able, whichever is best for you.

You are invited to take Steps through Lent together. There are two parts to the resource:

  1. Steps…The printer-friendly resource that you can use at home, in church or even at school.
  2. Intergenerational talk & Messy Church ideas. This talk can be used as it is or you can adapt it to suit your needs. You can use the talk to introduce the “Steps through Lent” to your congregation. Encourage them to bring in their steps so you can lay them in a pathway to the alter or cross in your church or school. At the end of the talk we have some simple ideas for ways to use the talk in Messy Church.

Download the relevant pack by clicking on the pictures here:

Steps:                       Talk: